Posted At: Mar 21, 2024 - 395 Views

How to start with Node.js as a Beginner

First question first, Is it still relevant as of 2024?  
The Big answer in Short is YES!

Node.js has become a popular choice for building scalable, high-performance web applications. In this blog, we'll explore what Node.js is capable of, why you should choose it for your projects, and how you can get started as a beginner.

Why Choose Node.js? 

JavaScript Everywhere: Node.js uses the same programming language (JavaScript) for both the front-end and back-end of a website. This makes it easier for developers and saves time.
Performance: It's quick because it can do many things at once without blocking other operations. It works on event-driven development (The Event Loop).  So, it can handle lots of tasks without using too much memory.
Scalability: Node.js can handle and manage many people using an app at the same time without slowing down. This makes it good for big websites or apps with lots of users.
Lots of Libraries: Node.js has a very large ecosystem of ready-made tools and libraries available through npm(Node Package Manager).  You don't need to start from scratch every time.
Active Community: There are so many people who use Node.js and are ready to help each other. You can easily find guides, tips, and support easily.
Always Getting Better: Node.js is always being updated with new features and fixes to make it better and safer to use.
As we’re talking about beginner, Let’s start with Installing Node.js first:

Download Node.js:  
Go to the Node.js website  and click on the big button of Installer for you desired OS (Windows, Mac or Linux). This will give you a special file that you need to install Node.js on your computer.

Install Node.js:  
Once the file is downloaded, open it and follow the instructions on the screen. It's like installing any other program on your computer - follow the instructions and just click "Next" a few times until it's done.

Verify Node.js Installation:  
After installing Node.js, open a Command Prompt/Terminal on your computer. Type in a command like node -v and press Enter. If Node.js is installed correctly, it will show you which version you have.

Type in a command like npm -v and press Enter. it will show you current version of npm 

That's it for the installation part! Now Let’s create our first simple Node.js application.
Create a new project in your desired editor or IDE. Create a new JavaScript File named app.js

Write your Node.js code:

>Save your file at your desired location.
>Open a new terminal and in the terminal, navigate to your project folder using the cd command.
Run the following command to execute your Node.js application:

Awesome job on your first Node.js app!

Now Let us move forward with Libraries and display how to use them with simple examples.
Node.js has a bunch of cool libraries that developers can use to make all sorts of different apps. Whether you want to build a website, a chat app, or something totally unique, there's probably a library out there to help you do it. These libraries are like building blocks that you can mix and match to create exactly what you need. 

There are some Node.Js libraries which are already used by millions of developer just like us:

Here’s are some examples:  
Express.js: Express.js is a popular web application framework for Node.js. It simplifies the process of building web applications by providing a robust set of features for routing, middleware handling, and request/response processing.
Socket.IO: Socket.IO enables real-time, bidirectional communication between web clients and servers. It's commonly used for building chat applications, online gaming platforms, and collaborative tools.
Sequelize: Sequelize serves as a precise Node.js ORM for Postgres, explicit MariaDB, SQLite, MySQL, and Microsoft SQL-based Server. What makes it impeccable in terms of its support is that it features solid transaction support, eager and lazy loading, relations, read replication, and more.
Mongoose: Mongoose is an elegant MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment like Node.js. It simplifies interactions with MongoDB databases by providing a straightforward schema-based solution.
Passport.js:Passport.js is an authentication middleware for Node.js. It provides a simple and flexible authentication solution that supports various authentication strategies, including username/password, OAuth, and more.
And many more…

Let’s use Express in one of our Node.js application just for the example:  
What's Express in simpler terms: Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
Start your IDE/editor of your desire and create a file named app.js. Now go to terminal and add this line to install express in your project.
>npm install express --save
>This will add node_modules in our project and add the express inside it!
>Now create a file named app.js and this code inside.

Now this piece of code will create one variable named express which will get express related files from node_modules folder. Assigning the function call to another variable gives you access to a predefined set of tools which will in a great deal make your life much easier.
>Here app is an object of express which we use utilize to use express functionalities. 
Now run this node application and go to (Local Host)>(http://localhost:3000) because as code suggest our node app is listening on port 3000.

Voila! and here's the one small example of how we can use libraries in node, do not forget to try it on your own!

With Node.js under your belt, you're all set to create amazing projects.
Build some cool and awesome stuff that will define the future of web/backend development :)

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