Posted At: Oct 19, 2023 - 752 Views


Your Window to Malayalam Infotainment 

At Kathoram Live, your premier destination for Malayalam Online Radio with a distinct focus on Infotainment. We are committed to keeping you informed, educated, and entertained in a smart and efficient manner. Step into a world where information meets entertainment, creating a seamless blend of knowledge and enjoyment. 



At Kathoram Live, the commitment is to provide you with a unique and enriching experience. to go beyond traditional radio, delivering content that engages, educates, and entertains the audience. 


Key Features: 

Infotainment Excellence: Kathoram Live seamlessly integrates information and entertainment. We believe that learning should be enjoyable, and our programming reflects this philosophy. 

Smart Information: We are dedicated to delivering information in a smart and efficient way. Our content is curated to ensure that you not only gain knowledge but do so effortlessly. 

Comprehensive Coverage: Our programs span a wide range of topics, from current events and news to culture, lifestyle, and more. We cater to diverse interests, ensuring that there’s something for everyone. 

Engaging Presenters: Our team of talented and passionate presenters makes every show a delightful experience. They bring their expertise and enthusiasm to your ears, making learning and entertainment seamless. 

Interactive Engagement: Kathoram Live encourages audience participation. We value your input and opinions, fostering a sense of community among our listeners. 

Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: Our online platform ensures that you can access Kathoram Live from anywhere in the world, at your convenience. 


Infotainment Unveiled: 

Educational Insights: Dive into topics that expand your horizons, from science and technology to history and culture. 

Current Affairs: Stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, and developments both locally and globally. 

Cultural Exploration: Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Malayalam culture through our programs on art, music, traditions, and more. 

Lifestyle and Wellness: Discover tips and advice for a healthier and happier life. 


Kathoram is the journey of infotainment that enlightens, enriches, and entertains. With Kathoram, experience the seamless blend of information and enjoyment that sets us apart. 

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